There’s no escaping auto insurance if you have a car. Almost all states stipulate the minimum amount of insurance you need and even the two that don’t say you have to pay for any damage you cause. But buying insurance is always tedious. Here’s something that will help.
Decide how To Buy It
You can choose to buy directly from an insurance company or through an independent insurance agency. If you have homeowners or renters insurance, check if the same insurance company will give you a discount for car insurance. You can also add a new car to your current auto insurance policy. Ideally, you should shop around and get multiple quotes before deciding.
Decide the Coverage
Check the car insurance requirements in your state and ensure that you meet them. But state requirements are a starting point, and you should ensure that your liability cover protects all your assets, so you don’t have to sell or pay out of pocket. If you’ve financed or leased the car, then the lender or lessor will also have minimum insurance requirements that you have to meet.
Apply for Quotes
Once you work out the above two details, collect information for your application. You’ll need the names of everyone at home who will drive the car and their birthdates, license numbers, and social security numbers. You’ll also need the VIN and make and model for all cars that will be covered. Note down the address where you live and get your declarations page from the last car insurance policy you had.
Get Quotes
After applying, you’ll receive several quotes for comparison. Some carriers will also share multiple versions of a quote like basic coverage, standard coverage, and high coverage under the same policy. Ideally, choose as high a coverage as you can afford and ensure you don’t buy any coverage that you don’t need. Choose a deductible depending on your finances. Check the insurer’s review on third-party sites like BBB or Consumer Reports and check their financial status and pending litigations.
A clear choice will emerge. Now, do a final check of all the details, and once you’re sure, buy the coverage. If required, cancel your old policy.